

Impact of first-line hormone therapies at enrollment and subjective cognitive function over time among metastatic prostate cancer survivors: An international study.
Sodipo, M.

Disentangling the effect of age on overall survival in an international cohort of advanced prostate cancer patients.
Guard, H.

Marital Status, Living Arrangement, and Survival among Individuals with Advanced Prostate Cancer in the International Registry for Men with Advanced Prostate Cancer
Chen, N. et al
Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention
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Experience with the US health care system for Black and White patients with advanced prostate cancer
Rencsok, E., et al
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Quality of life in the year after diagnosis with advanced prostate cancer for Black and White individuals living in the US
Rencsok, E., et al
Quality of Life Research
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Racial disparities in pain and survival for Black and White individuals with advanced prostate cancer in the US
Rencsok, E., et al
Cancer Research Communications
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IRONMAN: A Novel International Registry of Men with Advanced Prostate Cancer
Mucci, L. et al
JCO Glob Oncol
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Tackling Diversity in Prostate Cancer Clinical Trials: A Report from the Diversity Working Group of the IRONMAN Registry
McKay RR, et al
JCO Glob Oncol
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Diversity of Enrollment in Prostate Cancer Clinicla Trials: Current Status and Future Directions
Rencsok, E. et al
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev
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